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It is hard to believe that when people are reading this edition of the newsletter that we have finished Week 5 of Term 4! As usual, there has been lots going on and things will get busier for students and staff as we approach the end of the school year over the coming weeks.
Pink Week
Last week all staff and students participated in Pink Week which was related to BHS taking part in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At the end of the week we were hoping students could explain what Breast Cancer is, identify risk factors that can contribute to Breast Cancer diagnosis, understand and explain the prevalence of Breast Cancer within the wider community and understand their role in helping to make a difference. I know Mr Munday was very thankful to everyone for their support and effort in decorating over the course of the week. Awesome to see the all the pink and the purpose that this created for some of the kids.
Student Free Day
Last Friday was our Professional Learning Day, where staff worked together further unpacking the Respectful Relationships Education package. We looked at what this package will look like at a whole school level and areas we need to focus on to continue to support student wellbeing. Staff also worked on online modules that relate to the Department’s priority of literacy. Time was also spent by teaching staff reflecting on a recent lesson that was filmed in terms of the effectiveness of their teaching practices. Lastly, some staff completed their first aid qualification to ensure that they can support students on excursions for the remainder of 2024 and into 2025.
Athletics Carnival
Students participated in the Athletics Carnival yesterday and today. Although at the time of writing there were no specific results to report on, the weather was kind and the behaviour, attitude and participation rate of those in attendance was a high standard as always. Many thanks must go to our wonderful HPE staff for the organisation and preparation that has ensured the smooth running of the program over the two days of the carnival.
The Inter-high Division 1 Athletics Carnival will be held on Wednesday December 4. The HPE staff will announce the representative team as soon as possible so that BHS can look to extend its inter-high success to an amazing 21 carnivals overall. The program for the Inter-high Carnival will be shared with students once it is received.
Year 10/11 Transition
Our Year 10 students are halfway through the final term of their high school life. Many of our students will be continuing their education at Hellyer College, whilst there are also several students who have already successfully gained apprenticeships, which is also fantastic to see. I know the MDT department are regularly updating their ‘wall of fame’ to recognise these students. Orientation Day for the Grade 10 students will be on December 5 where students will spend a whole day at Hellyer College, participating in lessons from the subjects that they enrolled in at the end of Term 3.
We’ll be sure to communicate any information related to end of year events with students and families but if you’d like some clarification, please contact our school office.
On Tuesday our Grade 7/8 team competed in the Netball State Championships held in Launceston. The girls won 3 straight games, placing them into the Grand Final against St Aloysius. After a tough match, we ended up falling short by only 3 points. We are so proud of this team’s ability, sportsmanship, and teamwork. Thank you to all parents who assisted with coaching, scoring, and cheering from the sidelines.
On Monday 11 November the SRC and Class Captains created a footpath of remembrance in honour of Remembrance Day at the entry to the school. Each class was represented by students from their class, who constructed a chalk mural to remind us of all of the sacrifices made by our service men and women.
While the SRC then represented Burnie High at the 11am service at the Burnie Cenotaph, remaining students took part in a minutes silence and reflection.
Lest We Forget.
9B - Salvation Army - Anti-Poverty Week food drive
In support of the Salvation Army’s Anti-Poverty Week food drive, students from Mr Thorne’s 9B Home-group used the school kitchens to create a delicious chocolate slice. The students were appreciative of the assistance provided by Ms Georgina Smith and will return to the kitchen before the end of Term 4 to create another community food delivery.

On October 21, five Burnie High School students departed on an overseas journey alongside 15 other students from other North-West High Schools (and six staff from those schools). Over the course two weeks, their travels will take them to Xiamen (China), Taipei (Taiwan), and the Kinmen Islands (where they will be reacquainted with our recent Kinmen visitors). We wish them safe travels and a wonderful experience. We look forward to hearing all about it when you return.

On Saturday 19 October, Mrs Cohen concluded her two-year journey as a teacher chaperone with the Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize. The prize has included monthly meetings across Tasmania, a visit to the War Memorial in Canberra, and finally a two week study tour in Europe in both 2023 and 2024. As part of the journey, Mrs Cohen researched two soldiers and presented pilgrimages at their gravesides in Belgium, in addition to providing pastoral care for students on the trip.
Mrs Cohen says she was beyond honoured to have been chosen for the experience and is looking forward to teaching Year 9 again, so she can share her stories and knowledge with students in further detail. She is also looking forward to encouraging teachers and other students to apply for this worthwhile prize – it was a remarkable journey, which will impact on her classroom teaching immeasurably.

We were fortunate to have Ally, a clinical educator, come to Burnie High School to deliver the Periods, Pain and Endometriosis Program (PPEP Talk) to our Year 10 students. This is a positive, fun, educational and interactive session that helps to empower students to comfortably discuss menstruation and promote positive wellbeing and mental health outcomes. PPEP Talk educates students about endometriosis and pelvic pain to raise awareness and promote early diagnosis and support for those impacted. Thank you to our school nurse for helping to organise this for our students.
Cows Create Careers Success Again
Well done to all the agriculture students who participated and submitted entries into the CCC competition!! Grade 8 students Chanse and Charlotte won the creative photo competition and will be gracing the covers of the CCC curriculum documents in 2025!! They received several prizes as well.
During the presentation day BHS performed well but was not the overall winner.
Our senior students had an honourable mention with their cow cake and received a wild card entry into the CCC Mooooovie competition, this means they could win $1000 for the BHS agriculture program, the girls also received some small prizes.
Congratulations to everyone involved in another fun term learning about the Dairy Industry!!

During week 4 Nic from Marine and Safety Tasmania visited BHS. The students who are enrolled in ECLEP learned about the ins and outs of Marine Safety. They listened to a young sailor who had been critically injured because of a serious safety breach whilst training, the boys learned about how the safety laws apply and the use of safety devices such as life jackets and rescue devices and their use, such as flares. It was a very worthwhile experience and I believe it is a presentation that all students should be exposed to.
Steph Prendergast.